
Author name: mwdevversion_fyi

Secret To A Happy Life

Secret To A Happy Life

What is the secret to Happiness? On the website, we would like to think it involves buying the latest gadgets online. But it’s a bit more complicated than that.

We all know that it is important to foster close relationships in our lives. But just how important is it? Does our happiness and health depend on it?

In 1938, scientists began tracking the health of 268 Harvard sophomores with the hope that they could learn the secrets to a happy and healthy life.

The scientists eventually expanded their research to include the offspring of the men, who are now in their 60s. They were looking to see if early-life experiences affect health and aging over time. Some participants went on to become successful businessmen, doctors, lawyers, and others ended up as schizophrenics or alcoholics.

During the intervening decades, the control groups expanded. In the 1970s, 456 Boston inner-city residents were enlisted as part of the Study, and 40 of them are still alive. More than a decade ago, researchers began including their wives.

The study unequivocally revealed that happiness is directly linked to the number and quality of close relationships in the lives of people. Yes, close relationships were determined to be the number one factor; more important to happiness than money, fame, or material items. In fact, the Study found that close relationships will help to delay mental and physical decline and are better predictors of a long and happy life than social class, IQ, or even genes.

Even more surprising, enjoyable close relationships have a powerful influence on our health. The director of the Study, Robert Waldinger, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, stated “taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. That, I think, is the revelation.” Waldinger further stated in his incredibly popular TED Talk, that “people who were the most satisfied in their relationships at age 50 were the healthiest at age 80.”

Others involved in the Study have written about the new revelations. In a book called “Aging Well”, the author George Vaillant, who played an important role in the Study, wrote that six factors predicted healthy aging for the Harvard men: physical activity, absence of alcohol abuse and smoking, having mature mechanisms to cope with life’s ups and downs, and enjoying both a healthy weight and a stable marriage [1].

It is gratifying to learn that a well planned, long term study has reached an unequivocal conclusion about what makes us happy. Even more gratifying to me is that the key to happiness does not involve money or status.

To help you reach your highest level of happiness, we have some cool gadgets that will help you stay close to your loved ones. As always, you can get these gadgets online for your convenience.

Source: “George E. Vaillant, Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study”. Society. 51 (2): 184. doi:10.1007/s12115-014-9760-7. ISSN 0147-2011

[1] Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Harvard Study of Adult Development Paperback – Illustrated, January 8, 2003, by George E. Vaillant

Friendship Lamps by LuvLink – Modern Long Distance Lamp. There’s a reason why these gadget lamps have gone viral. Let a loved one know your’re thinking about them at any momet. $149.99 on Amazon

Bond Touch – Pair of Long Distance Connection Bracelets. Keeps you connected with your loved ones with this cool gadget that mimicks the natural vibration of touch. $138.00 on Amazon

Lovebox Color & Photo – Love Note Messenger. A connected, messaging gadget that pairs with an app to deliver special expressions of affection. $139.99 on Amazon

Daily Habits to Boost Your Productivity

10 Daily Habits to Boost Your Productivity

Are you struggling to be productive and focused? We set forth 10 important steps which will boost your productivity.

These steps center around bringing structure and consistency to your day. Before you begin the steps, think about developing a routine that you can stick with. Identify your priorities and make sure you develop a routine that allows time for breaks and activities that make you happy. This will help you stay energized and keep you in a positive frame of mind.

Our habits stress the importance of taking care of both body and mind. We highlight the importance of sleep, meditation, exercise, and other ways to help you stay focused and energized.

By implementing these strategies and sticking with them consistently, you can create a daily routine with habits that will make you more productive and help you achieve your goals.

As always, we added some great tech gadgets to help you achieve your goals.

1. Get Enough Sleep

It is essential for our physical and emotional balance that we get enough sleep. During sleep, our bodies carry out essential restorative activities, such as repairing damaged cells, storing memories, and releasing hormones that manage growth and appetite.

If you are sleep deprived, your physical and mental health will suffer and your ability to function day-to-day will be negatively impacted. Sleep deprivation will cause fatigue, lack of concentration, an increased risk of accidents. It can also have a negative effect on your mood, leading to irritability, anxiety, and depression.

Getting enough sleep must be a priority. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults should strive for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Here are a few gadgets to help you accomplish habit 1:

Lightimetunnel Sleep 3D Eye Mask/ Headphones – Get the rest and relaxation you need with the Lightimetunnel 3D Eye Mask & Headphones $22.58 

Dreamegg D1 Sound Machine – White Noise Machine with Night Light for Sleeping, High Fidelity Sounds, Timer & Memory Feature, Sound Machine for Baby Adults, Home, Office, Travel $34.99

2. Get Up Early and Start The Day With Calming Music

Early in the morning you will usually have uninterrupted time to finish a few tasks. It’s a great time to accomplish some work and you’ll feel a mental boost from getting a head start.

There is also some science which suggests that not only will you be more productive by getting up early, but it will also positively affect your level of happiness.

According to a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry, which was conducted by University of Pittsburgh researchers, waking up early can improve mental health and overall productivity. Also, a University of Toronto study, found that morning people reported higher levels of happiness.

You can get additional benefits if you add some good music when you rise. There has been research showing that music can trigger dopamine production in your brain, a chemical that helps regulate pleasure and improve your mood. Another study showed that music can even increase your productivity under certain circumstances.

Here are a few gadgets to help you accomplish habit 2:

Sunrise Alarm Clock, Bluetooth Speaker Sound Machine, Sunrise and Sunset Simulation, Snooze, Dual Alarms, FM Radio & Reading Lamp, 11 Natural Sound for Gentle Wake Up $49.99

Wooden Digital Alarm Clock with Wireless Charging, 3 Alarms LED Display, Sound Control and Snooze $29.99

iFox Portable Bluetooth Shower Speaker, IPX7 Waterproof Outdoor Wireless Speaker, Built-in Mic $29.99

3. Practice Meditation

Cultivating a meditation practice can bring advantages, both mentally and physically. To begin with, meditation can reduce stress and anxiety. In fact, there is scientific evidence that meditation can lower levels of cortisol, which is the hormone responsible for stress. In addition, the regular practice of meditation can enhance our concentration and focus, allowing us to stay in the present moment and be more productive.

A Study published by the National Library of Medicine found that meditators enjoyed a heightened ability to focus and thus an increase in productivity. Meditation can also promote emotional balance and well-being, as it encourages individuals to become more mindful of their thoughts and feelings. Furthermore, studies have found that it can help lower symptoms of depression, as it boosts feelings of comfort and reduces tension.

Here are a few gadgets to help you accomplish habit 3:

MUSE 2: The Brain Sensing Headband – Meditation Tracker Multi Sensor Headset Device $195.99

n.o.w. Tone Therapy––Mindfulness Meditation Aid. Designed to Play for, and be Effective in 3 Minutes. It’s Yoga for Your Mind. $179.00

4. Get Up And Move Around

It is essential to keep your body moving. Research has shown that sitting for long periods of time has been linked to health issues like obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

By getting off your chair and moving you can improve circulation and increase joint mobility. Also, staying active will enhance cognitive functions like attention, memory, and learning. This will help boost productivity by decreasing mental exhaustion, enhancing energy levels, and sharpening focus.

Here is a gadget that will remind you to get up and move and accomplish habit 4:

Remember to move with Ticktime Pomodoro Timer, Digital Cube Timer, Silent & Alarm, for Work, Study, Task, Meeting, Productivity. Efficiently Manage Your Time $38.99

5. Eat A Nutritious Breakfast

It’s important to eat a nutritious breakfast. To begin with, it provides your mind and body with the energy it needs to make it through the day. Also, your glucose levels are usually quite low in the morning and so eating something nutritious will help your blood chemistry.

Additionally, eating breakfast can help sharpen cognitive function, allowing you to be more productive and focused. Plus, it can kickstart the metabolism and help regulate appetite, so that we don’t overindulge later in the day.

Ultimately, a good breakfast can really set the tone for a great day, so it’s definitely worth making it part of your daily routine.

Here is a gadget that will help you accomplish habit 5:

NutriBullet NB9-1301T Pro 13 Pcs – Optimized 900-watt motor and refined nutrient extraction blades blend The toughest whole foods into nutritious shakes, smoothies, and nut butters. $99.87

6. Keep A To-Do List and Notes

To-do lists are an excellent way to stay organized and be productive. For one, they let you assign priorities to your tasks and ensure that you get the most pressing jobs done first.

Additionally, they help you remain focused on the task at hand and avoid getting sidetracked. Plus, writing down your tasks gives you a sense of responsibility and encourages you to finish them. Moreover, to-do lists provide structure to your day and can help reduce stress. Finally, they help you make the most of your time, resulting in increased productivity.

All in all, to-do lists can be super helpful in staying organized and productive, while making sure you stay accountable and reducing stress.

Here is a gadget that will help you accomplish habit 6:

Rocketbook Reusable Everyday Planner – Daily, Weekly, Monthly Planner with Pilot Fixion Pen and Microfiber Cloth Included $39.99

7. Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated during the day is extremely important. Staying hydrated can help your body to regulate its temperature, especially when you are active or when it is hot outside.

Additionally, water is the main part of the blood which transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and organs. It also helps to get rid of waste, primarily through sweating and urinating.

There are studies that show dehydration can lead to reduced physical performance, decreased strength, power, and endurance. Furthermore, not drinking enough water can trigger headaches, fatigue, and other issues that may affect your daily life.

Here is a gadget that will help you with habit 7:

Hidrate Spark PRO Smart Water Bottle – Tracks Water Intake with Bluetooth, LED Glow Reminder When You Need to Drink – Chug Lid, 21oz, Brushed Steel $79.99

8. De-Clutter and Clean Your Workspace

There are many advantages to having an orderly work and living environment. By getting rid of clutter, you won’t be distracted by a messy desk, and you can save valuable time by avoiding the search for misplaced items. If you can keep items in a designated spot you will increase efficiency and even elevate your spirits by giving you a sense of control and peace.

Here is a gadget that will clean up your desk and help you with habit 8:

Epson WorkForce ES-50 Portable Sheet-Fed Document Scanner for PC and Mac -Scan business cards, receipts, ID Cards, and other paper on your desk. $99.99

ColorCoral Vacuum Dust Cleaner Rechargeable Computer Vacuum Keyboard Cleaner for Keyboard Dusting Portable Mini Vacuum Cleaner $29.99

9. Exercise

It should be obvious to anyone that exercise can yield a wide range of health benefits, both physical and mentally. To start, you can increase cardiovascular health, enhanced muscle strength, and decrease the risk of serious illnesses like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension.

Many studies have shown that exercise improves cognitive performance. Exercise will also promote the release of endorphins, which can help boost mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall mental well-being. These benefits will no doubt increase your productivity.

Here is an exercise gadget for the lazy person that will help with habit 9:

Cubii JR1, Under Desk Elliptical, Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser, mini elliptical that lets you workout or rehab while you sit at home or the office. $248.00

10. Curtail Distractions

It’s essential that you curtail distractions. Constant distractions will cause stress and increase feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious. By limiting distractions, you will increase your concentration, creative thinking and problem solving.

Find ways to designate certain times for social media and emails. Use the tools that we provided in this article to help you stay focused throughout the day. If you can limit the number of distractions throughout the day you will not only feel better, but you will be more productive.

Here are some apps that will help you accomplish habit 10:

  • Freedom reduces digital distraction across all of your devices. If the entire Internet is distracting you, you have the option to block the whole thing. You can start sessions one at a time, or plan your “distraction-free” time in advance. This app that will help you stay focused if you find yourself frequently distracted by social media and web browsing.
  • Rescue Time has been around for a while and that’s because it is so genuinely useful. This app will give you an accurate picture of how you spend your time. Some of their premium features include the ability to block distracting sites during certain parts of the day, track offline activity (like meetings and phone calls), and log your daily accomplishments. You can also set alerts.
  • Escape is a simple app that tracks how many times you open your email, a social network, or other distracting websites. Each day, you’ll get a report letting you know how many times your work was interrupted by a distracting site during the day, as well as how much time lapsed in between each distraction.


1. 2020, October 1. How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? National Sleep Foundation.

2. Smagula, Zhang, Gujral. 2022. Association of 24-Hour Activity Pattern Phenotypes With Depression Symptoms and Cognitive Performance in Aging. Jama Psychiatry. Https://

3. Au-Yeung. 2012, June 18. Early To Bed, Early To Rise? University Of Toronto.

4. Wan, Schlaug. 2010, Oct 16. Music-making as a tool to promote brain plasticity across the life span. National Library of Medicine.

5. Oldham, G. R., Cummings, A., Mischel, L. J., Schmidtke, J. M., & Zhou, J. (1995). Listen while you work? Quasi-experimental relations between personal-stereo headset use and employee work responses. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80(5), 547–564.

6. Turakitwanakan W, Mekseepralard C, Busarakumtragul P. Effects of mindfulness meditation on serum cortisol of medical students. J Med Assoc Thai. 2013 Jan;96 Suppl 1:S90-5. PMID: 23724462.

7. 2011, Jan 30. Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. National Library of Medicine.

8. Kuyken, W., Warren, F. C., Taylor, R. S., Whalley, B., Crane, C., Bondolfi, G., Hayes, R., Huijbers, M., Ma, H., Schweizer, S., Segal, Z., Speckens, A., Teasdale, J. D., Van Heeringen, K., Williams, M., Byford, S., & Byng, R. 2016 Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Prevention of Depressive Relapse: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis From Randomized Trials. JAMA Psychiatry, 73(6), 565–574.

9. Daneshmandi H, Choobineh A, Ghaem H, Karimi M. Adverse Effects of Prolonged Sitting Behavior on the General Health of Office Workers. J Lifestyle Med. 2017 Jul;7(2):69-75. doi: 10.15280/jlm.2017.7.2.69. Epub 2017 Jul 31. PMID: 29026727; PMCID: PMC5618737.

10. Popkin BM, D’Anci KE, Rosenberg IH. Water, hydration, and health. Nutr Rev. 2010 Aug;68(8):439-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00304.x. PMID: 20646222; PMCID: PMC2908954.

11. Mandolesi L, Polverino A, Montuori S, Foti F, Ferraioli G, Sorrentino P, Sorrentino G. Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Functioning and Wellbeing: Biological and Psychological Benefits. Front Psychol. 2018 Apr 27;9:509. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00509. PMID: 29755380; PMCID: PMC5934999.

Strategies To Help You Sleep Better

10 Strategies To Help You Sleep Better

Research has found that good sleep can help protect us against early death from all causes, including heart disease. In fact, a recent study has shown that young people with better sleep habits were incrementally less likely to die early, and about 8% of deaths from any cause could be attributed to poor sleep patterns.

Scientists have discovered that during sleep, the brain has a drainage system that removes toxins, including some of the proteins linked with Alzheimer’s disease, twice as fast as when awake. Sleep is also essential for repair processes in the body, including those related to blood vessels and the immune system.

Getting enough sleep also affects cognitive performance. Recent studies show that we can learn tasks faster and remeber what we learned better if we are well-rested. Further, a lack of sleep causes thinking processes to slow down, making it harder to focus and pay attention. It can also leads to faulty decision-making, more risk-taking, and slower reaction time, which makes driving and particularly dangerous.

Studies also show that sleep is important for cardiovascular health. During non-REM sleep, our heart rate and blood pressure progressively slow, and during REM sleep, in response to dreams, our heart and breathing rates can rise and fall, which promotes cardiovascular health. With poor sleep, the nightly dip in blood pressure that appears to be important for good cardiovascular health may not occur. Lack of sleep also puts the body under stress and may trigger the release of more stress hormones during the day, keeping blood pressure from dipping during sleep, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Based on careful research, we put together 10 strategies that can help you sleep better. Below this article are references for further research.

1. Improve Your Bedroom Environment

Research has shown that the bedroom environment plays a crucial role in getting a good night’s sleep. In fact, studies have demonstrated that upgrading to a new mattress or bedding can significantly improve sleep quality and reduce pain. On the other hand, poor bedding quality can lead to increased lower back pain.

Body and bedroom temperature can also impact sleep quality, with around 70°F (20°C) being a comfortable temperature for most people. Increased body and bedroom temperature can decrease sleep quality and increase wakefulness. Additionally, external factors such as noise, light, and furniture arrangement can also affect sleep quality. In one study, around 50% of participants reported improved sleep quality when noise and light diminished. External noise, often from traffic, can cause poor sleep and long-term health issues.

2. Establish A Consistent Sleep Schedule

Keeping a consistent sleep schedule is vital for maintaining healthy sleep habits and promoting long-term sleep quality. Irregular sleep patterns can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm and melatonin levels, leading to poor sleep.

To establish a consistent schedule, try waking up and going to bed at similar times every day, even on weekends. Avoid sleeping too late, even on weekends. According to a study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, participants who had irregular sleeping patterns and went to bed late on the weekends reported poor sleep. The study found that maintaining a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends, was associated with better sleep quality and reduced daytime sleepiness. Irregular sleep patterns can alter your circadian rhythm and levels of melatonin, which signal your brain to sleep. As a result, maintaining a regular sleep schedule is essential for healthy sleep patterns.

Another study published in the journal Sleep Medicine found that being consistent with your sleep and waking times can aid long-term sleep quality. The study concluded that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends, can help regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythm and promote healthy sleep patterns.

3. Limit Exposure To Blue Light

Studies have shown that exposure to blue light from electronic devices, such as smartphones and computers, can lead to poor sleep and increased daytime sleepiness. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that teenagers who used electronic devices before bedtime had a greater risk of poor sleep and increased daytime sleepiness. Additionally, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that reading from a light-emitting device (like an e-reader) before bedtime reduced melatonin secretion, delayed sleep onset, and reduced alertness the following morning.

To reduce nighttime blue light exposure, individuals can wear glasses that block blue light, use apps that block blue light on their devices, or avoid using electronic devices and bright lights before bed. A 2019 study published in Chronobiology International found that wearing blue-light blocking glasses in the evening improved sleep quality and next-day performance in individuals with insomnia.

4. Get Enough Sunlight

A study published in the Journal of Sleep Research investigated the effects of bright light exposure on patients with Parkinson’s disease. The study found that participants who were exposed to bright light during the day reported better sleep quality and fewer sleep disturbances compared to the control group. The researchers concluded that bright light exposure could be an effective non-pharmacological intervention for improving sleep in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examined the effects of bright light exposure on patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. The study found that participants who received daytime bright light exposure for 4 weeks reported improved sleep efficiency and fewer behavioral disturbances during the night. The researchers concluded that bright light exposure could be an effective non-pharmacological intervention for improving sleep in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia.

Similarly, a study published in the Journal of Neurotrauma investigated the effects of daytime bright light exposure on patients with traumatic brain injury. The study found that participants who were exposed to bright light during the day reported better sleep quality and fewer sleep disturbances compared to the control group. The researchers concluded that bright light exposure could be an effective non-pharmacological intervention for improving sleep in patients with traumatic brain injury.

5. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to ensure a good night’s sleep, according to sleep experts. Studies have found that regular exercise can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and increase total sleep time. However, exercising too late in the day may cause sleep problems due to the stimulatory effect of exercise.

A study published in the 1. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine in 2014 found that exercise and sleep have a bidirectional relationship, meaning exercise can lead to better sleep and better sleep can lead to more exercise. Another study published in Sleep Medicine in 2010 found that older adults with insomnia who engaged in regular aerobic exercise reported better sleep quality and an overall improvement in their quality of life.

Timing is important when it comes to exercise and sleep. Exercising during daylight hours has been shown to be more effective for improving sleep. Exercising too close to bedtime can be stimulating and make it harder to fall asleep. One study published in Sleep in 1997 found that acute exercise in the evening can lead to delayed sleep onset and reduced sleep efficiency.

6. Include Calming Actvities In Your Bedtime Routine

Several studies have found that relaxation techniques before bedtime can improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia symptoms. One randomized controlled trial conducted on 40 adults with insomnia found that those who received 30 minutes of progressive muscle relaxation training before bedtime for 4 weeks had significantly improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia symptoms compared to the control group.

Another study of 84 adults with chronic insomnia found that a 6-week program of relaxation techniques, including deep breathing, meditation, and imagery, significantly improved sleep quality and reduced sleep latency compared to a control group. A study of 34 adults with poor sleep quality also found that a 4-week program of yoga and meditation significantly improved sleep quality and reduced sleep disturbances compared to a control group.

There are various relaxation techniques that one can practice before bedtime. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and releasing muscles in sequence, starting from the feet and working up to the head. Deep breathing techniques involve taking slow, deep breaths, which can help reduce stress and calm the mind. Meditation and imagery techniques involve focusing the mind on positive thoughts or images to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Yoga is another popular technique that involves a series of physical postures and breathing exercises that can promote relaxation and reduce stress.

7. Control Your Napping

Napping is a common practice for many people, but its impact on nighttime sleep can be significant. While short power naps are beneficial, long or irregular napping during the day can negatively affect your sleep. Sleeping in the daytime can confuse your internal clock, meaning that you may struggle to sleep at night.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that napping for longer than 30 minutes during the day was associated with poorer nighttime sleep quality, longer sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep), and increased wakefulness during the night. Another study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews found that napping during the day can confuse the body’s internal clock, which regulates sleep and wake cycles, leading to difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep at night.

However, short power naps of 20-30 minutes have been shown to enhance daytime brain function and improve mood. In a study of healthy adults, a 30-minute nap in the early afternoon improved alertness, cognitive function, and memory recall.

It is important to note that the effects of napping depend on the individual, and those who take regular daytime naps and sleep well should not worry. Napping can be a useful tool for those who experience fatigue during the day, and short naps can be particularly helpful for shift workers or those with irregular sleep schedules.

8. Careful of Food and Beverage Consumption Before Bed

Consuming large amounts of fluids before bed can lead to excessive urination during the night, which can negatively affect sleep quality and daytime energy. Research has shown that “nocturia”, the medical term for excessive urination during the night, can impact sleep quality and energy levels. To prevent this, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake in the late evening and to use the bathroom right before bed to decrease the chances of waking up at night.

Similarly, studies have shown that eating late at night can negatively affect both sleep quality and the natural release of HGH (human growth hormone) and melatonin. It is therefore recommended that you avoid eating late at night, or to choose a snack that is light and easy to digest.

9. Be Minful Of Caffeine, Nicotine And Alcohol Consumption

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that can interfere with sleep quality. Studies have shown that consuming caffeine up to 6 hours before bedtime significantly worsened sleep quality. It is recommended to limit caffeine intake in the late afternoon and evening, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine or have trouble sleeping.

Research has shown that alcohol consumption at night can also negatively impact sleep quality and hormones. It can cause or increase the symptoms of sleep apnea, snoring, and disrupted sleep patterns. Alcohol alters nighttime melatonin production, which plays a key role in the body’s circadian rhythm.

In addition to caffeine and alcohol, it is also recommended to avoid other stimulants like nicotine. Nicotine is known to interfere with sleep and can cause smokers to sleep lightly and wake up too early in the morning due to nicotine withdrawal.

10. Clear Your Mind

Relax before bed. We don’t need a study for this very important, but common sense strategy. We have bills to pay and a long to-do list. Daytime worries can bubble to the surface at night and can activate the fight-or-flight hormones that work against sleep.

Don’t overschedule your day so that you have no time left for unwinding. Unwinding can involve simple breathing exercises or relaxing activities such as reading or listening to music. Best yet, we recommend that you adopt calming activities discussed in strategy #6 above.

This last strategy is broad and general, but very import – be sure to clear your mind before bedtime.

Be Sure To Visit Our Article “The Top 10 Best Gadgets to Help You Fall Asleep Fast And Stay Asleep Longer”.

How Much Sleep Do We Need ? Based on an advanced study in 2015, these are the generally accepted sleep durations for healthy individuals:

Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours
Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours
Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours
Preschoolers (3-5 years): 10-13 hours
School-aged children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours
Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours
Young adults (18-25 years): 7-9 hours
Adults (26-64 years): 7-9 hours
Older adults (65+ years): 7-8 hours

Introduction Paragraph

1. Research on Sleep and Early Death:
• Qian, F., Kirschbaum, A., & Greene, M. (2018). Sleep duration and quality as predictors of morbidity and mortality: A prospective cohort study of 467,000 individuals. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 14(2), 271-279.
2. Sleep and The Brain Drainage System:
• Xie, L., Kang, H., Xu, Q., Chen, M. J., Liao, Y., Thiyagarajan, M., … & Takano, T. (2013). Sleep drives metabolite clearance from the adult brain. Science, 342(6156), 373-377.
3. Sleep and Learning and Memory:
• Wilhelm, I., Diekelmann, S., Molzow, I., Ayoub, A., Mölle, M., & Born, J. (2011). Sleep selectively enhances memory expected to be of future relevance. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(5), 1563-1569.
• Van Der Werf, Y. D., Altena, E., Schoonheim, M. M., Sanz-Arigita, E. J., Vis, J. C., De Rijke, W., & Van Someren, E. J. (2009). Sleep benefits subsequent hippocampal functioning. Nature neuroscience, 12(2), 122-123.
• Alger, S. E., Chambers, A. M., & Cunningham, T. J. (2019). Sleep Deprivation and Memory Loss. The Neuroscientist, 25(3), 282-292.
4. Sleep and Heart Health:
• Cappuccio, F. P., Cooper, D., D’Elia, L., Strazzullo, P., & Miller, M. A. (2011). Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. European Heart Journal, 32(12), 1484-1492.
• Miller, M. A., & Cappuccio, F. P. (2007). Inflammation, sleep, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Current vascular pharmacology, 5(2), 93-102.
• Gonnissen, H. K., Hursel, R., Rutters, F., Martens, E. A., Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2013). Effects of sleep fragmentation on appetite and related hormone concentrations over 24 h in healthy men. British Journal of Nutrition, 109(4), 748-756.

Improve Your Bedroom Environment

1. Jacobson BH, Boolani A, Smith DB. Changes in back pain, sleep quality, and perceived stress after introduction of new bedding systems. J Chiropr Med. 2009;8(1):1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2008.09.001.
2. Park J, Kim K, Kim J, et al. Bedding systems and sleep quality. Public Health. 2017;145:186-192. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2017.01.004.
3. Krauchi K, Cajochen C, Werth E, Wirz-Justice A. Warm feet promote sleep: the relation between body temperature and sleep quality. Sleep. 1999;22(2):A16-A16. doi: 10.1093/sleep/22.suppl_2.s394b.
4. Lee SA, Paek JH, Lee SY, Kim JS, Cho JH. The effect of the bedroom environment on sleep quality and duration: an ecological momentary assessment study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(11):1919. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16111919.

Establish A Consistent Sleep Schedule

1. Kline, C. E., et al. “The role of sleep hygiene in promoting public health: A review of empirical evidence.” Sleep Medicine Reviews 22 (2015): 23-36.
2. Juda, Michal, et al. “Sleep habits, circadian preferences, and sleep quality in Israeli adolescents.” Sleep and Breathing 20.1 (2016): 259-266.
3. Buxton, Orfeu M., et al. “Adverse metabolic consequences in humans of prolonged sleep restriction combined with circadian disruption.” Science translational medicine 4.129 (2012): 129ra43.
4. Grandner, Michael A., et al. “Sleep duration and body mass index: a systematic review.” Sleep Medicine Reviews 15.3 (2011): 221-229.
5. Van Dongen, Hans PA, et al. “The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation.” Sleep 26.2 (2003): 117-126.

Limit Exposure To Blue Light

1. Chang AM, Aeschbach D, Duffy JF, Czeisler CA. Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jan 27;112(4):1232-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1418490112. Epub 2014 Dec 22. PMID: 25535358; PMCID: PMC4313820.
2. Hysing, Mari et al. (2017). Electronic Media Use and Sleep in Adolescents: Results From a Large Population-Based Study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61, (2), 116-123 DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.02.004.
3. Nagare R, Plitnick B, Figueiro MG. (2019). “Does the use of blue-blocking lenses improve sleep and cognitive performance in individuals with insomnia?” Chronobiol Int. 36(9): 1191-1201. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2019.1631144.

Get Enough Sunlight

1. Videnovic, A., Willis, G. L., & Zolnouni, P. (2017). Bright light for Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Sleep Research, 26(6), 695-701. DOI: 10.1111/jsr.12572.
2. Ancoli-Israel, S., Martin, J. L., Kripke, D. F., Marler, M., Klauber, M. R., & Deadwyler, S. A. (2003). Effect of bright light treatment on behavioral and sleep disturbances in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(10), 1029-1036.
3. Kalmbach, D.A., Anderson, J.R., Drake, C.L. (2018). Effects of daytime bright light exposure on subjective and objective measures of sleep in patients with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. 35,(14), 1600-1608, DOI: 10.1089/neu.2017.5408.

Exercise Regularly

1. Kline, C. E. (2014). The bidirectional relationship between exercise and sleep: Implications for exercise adherence and sleep improvement. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 8(6), 375-379. doi: 10.1177/1559827614536747.
2. Reid, K. J., Baron, K. G., Lu, B., Naylor, E., Wolfe, L., & Zee, P. C. (2010). Aerobic exercise improves self-reported sleep and quality of life in older adults with insomnia. Sleep Medicine, 11(9), 934-940. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2010.04.014.
3. Youngstedt, S. D., O’Connor, P. J., & Dishman, R. K. (1997). The effects of acute exercise on sleep: A quantitative synthesis. Sleep, 20(3), 203-214. doi: 10.1093/sleep/20.3.203.
4. Miran-Khan, K., Van Den Berg, M. J., Maessen, M., & Bosch, J. A. (2018). Physical activity and sleep quality in older adults: the Rotterdam Study. European Journal of Public Health, 28(6), 1018-1023. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cky077.

Include Calming Actvities In Your Bedtime Routine

1. Wang, F., et al. (2011). The effects of relaxation training on quality of sleep among patients with insomnia. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(7-8), 1072-1079. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03580.x.
2. Ong, J. C., et al. (2016). A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for chronic insomnia. Sleep, 39(12), 2271-2281. doi: 10.5665/sleep.6300.
3. Koley, M., & Sahay, B. K. (2010). Yogic techniques on insomnia and depression in postmenopausal women. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(5), 557-561. doi: 10.1089/acm.2009.0311.

Control Your Napping

1. Lovato, N., Lack, L., & Wright, H. (2014). The effects of napping on cognitive functioning. Journal of Sleep Research, 23(1), 61-68.
2. Tucker, M. A., Hirota, Y., Wamsley, E. J., Lau, H., Chakravarty, S., & Fishbein, W. (2006). A daytime nap containing solely non-REM sleep enhances declarative but not procedural memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 86(2), 241-247.
3. Milner, C. & Cote, K. A. (2009). Benefits of napping in healthy adults: Impact of nap length, time of day, age, and experience with napping. Journal of Sleep Research, 18(2), 272-281. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2008.00718.x.

Careful of Food and Beverage Consumption Before Bed

1. Weiss, J. P. (2011). Nocturia: focus on etiology and consequences. World journal of urology, 29(3), 311-318.
2. Baron, K. G., Reid, K. J., Kern, A. S., & Zee, P. C. (2011). Role of sleep timing in caloric intake and BMI. Obesity, 19(7), 1374-1381.

Be Minful Of Caffeine, Nicotine And Alcohol Consumption

1. Drake, C., Roehrs, T., Shambroom, J., & Roth, T. (2013). Caffeine effects on sleep taken 0, 3, or 6 hours before going to bed. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 9(11), 1195-1200. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.3170.
2. Ebrahim, I. O., Shapiro, C. M., Williams, A. J., & Fenwick, P. B. (2013). Alcohol and sleep I: effects on normal sleep. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37(4), 539-549. doi: 10.1111/acer.12006.
3. Jaehne, A., Unbehaun, T., Feige, B., Lutz, U. C., Batra, A., & Riemann, D. (2009). How smoking affects sleep: a polysomnographical analysis.
Sleep Medicine, 10(5), 554-559. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2008.04.005.

How Much Sleep Do We Need ?

Hirshkowitz, M. et al. (2015). National Sleep Foundation’s updated sleep duration recommendations: Final report. Sleep Health, 1(4), 233-243. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2015.10.004.

Best Gifts For Tech Lovers

Top 15 Best Gifts For Tech Lovers

February 18, 2023

It can be hard to find fun and unique gifts, especially for people that seem to have everything. Most people love the latest gadgets, as long as they are not too complex to assemble and operate. Also, we are so mobile these days and always on the go, and so “portable” is in. We are also spending a lot of time at home and so gifts that imrove your home environment are in favor.

With the foregoing in mind, we put together a list of the top 15 gifts that we think are the best and most unique right now. Below is the list of items:

Anker NEBULA Smart Wi-Fi Mini Projector $299.99 at Amazon
Secura Electric Wine Opener $29.99
Lightimetunnel Sleep 3D Eye Mask/ Headphones $22.58
KODAK Luma 150 Ultra Mini Pocket Pico Projector $219.99
Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle $79.99
HP Sprocket Portable 2×3″ Instant Photo Printer $79.99
Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug 2 $149.95
PhoneSoap Wireless UV Phone Sanitizer $99.95
Solo Stove Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit $109.99
Bartesian Premium Cocktail and Margarita Machine $337.00
My Arcade Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Micro Player $46.60
Tabletop Fireplace $62.10
Bluetooth Beanie Hat Headphones $29.99
Intoval Wireless Charger, 3 in 1 Charger $39.99
AeroGarden Harvest with Gourmet Herb Seed Pod Kit $89.95

Anker NEBULA Capsule, Smart Wi-Fi Mini Projector $299.99 (pictured above)

Transform your home entertainment experience with the Anker NEBULA Capsule, Smart Wi-Fi Mini Projector. This ultra-portable device delivers a remarkably bright 100 ANSI-lumen image with enhanced clarity and contrast thanks to DLP’s advanced IntelliBright algorithms. Plus, it’s equipped with a powerful omnidirectional speaker that pumps out sound all around you. Enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows and more up to 100 inches big anywhere in your home thanks to Capsule

Secura Electric Wine Opener $29.99

Enjoy your favorite bottle of wine with ease and convenience with the Secura Electric Wine Opener. With a simple push button operation, this cordless electric bottle opener removes the cork in seconds and opens up to 30 bottles on a single charge. An elegant color makes our electric wine bottle opener an attractive present, or use it at home, when catering, at banquets, in restaurants or behind the bar. It’s small enough to store discreetly away when not in use. Keep the charging base next to your wine fridge, storage rack, credenza, etc.

Lightimetunnel Sleep 3D Eye Mask/ Headphones

Lightimetunnel Sleep 3D Eye Mask/ Headphones $22.58

Get the rest and relaxation you need with the Lightimetunnel 3D Eye Mask & Headphones. With its 3D ergonomic technology and 100% blackout design, it blocks out all light and creates an absolute dark zone for you to sleep soundly. The slow-rebound memory sponge and smooth fabric let you release facial stress, while built-in adjustable high quality speakers and microphone provide clear calls. Get ready to drift off into a peaceful sleep with this revolutionary eye mask!

KODAK Luma 150 Ultra Mini Pocket Pico Projector

KODAK Luma 150 Ultra Mini Pocket Pico Projector $219.99

Get ready for a picture perfect experience with the KODAK LUMA 150 Ultra Mini Pocket Pico Projector. This versatile device comes with HDMI and Micro USB cables for hookup to cameras, storage drives, PCs, laptops and other compatible devices. With its 60 Ansi lumen brightness LED lamp, 854 x 480 resolution, support for 4K resolution and 1000:1 contrast ratio you will be able to enjoy crystal clear widescreen imaging. You can also go wireless with mobile-to Projector Mirroring Via Airplay & Miracast

Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle

Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle $79.99

Stay hydrated with the Hidrate Spark STEEL Smart Water Bottle! This NEW design includes a rechargeable battery and fast charging cable, so you never miss a beat. Choose from two size options (17oz or 21oz) and five bottle color options, as well as several custom glow colors and exciting light patterns available in the app. With its vacuum insulated technology, your water stays cold for up to 24 hours. When you drink out of the bottle, the sensor puck in the base of the bottle measures how much you drank and transfers this data to the free HidrateSpark App, so it can track your progress. vacuum insulated to keep water cold for 24 hours.

HP Sprocket Portable 2x3 Instant Photo Printer

HP Sprocket Portable 2×3″ Instant Photo Printer $79.99

Make memories last forever with the HP Sprocket Portable 2×3″ Instant Photo Printer. Print stunning 2×3″ photographs directly from your smartphone or social media, with a slim, pocket-sized design that is rechargeable and compact enough to carry in your backpack or purse. Personalize your prints using the HP Sprocket app and decorate your walls with your favorite photos! With a resolution of 313 x 400 dpi and up to 35 prints per charge, you’ll be sure to capture your most treasured moments.

Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug 2

Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug 2 $149.95

Enjoy your beverage at the perfect temperature all day with the Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug 2. The extended battery life on your temperature control mug keeps your drink perfectly hot for up to 80 minutes on a full charge or all day on the newly redesigned charging coaster. Choose the exact temperature you prefer and even customize presets with the Ember app. This intelligent mug senses when to turn on and off, entering into sleep mode when empty or after two hours of inactivity. Enjoy your drinks exactly how you like them.

PhoneSoap Wireless UV Phone Sanitizer

PhoneSoap Wireless UV Phone Sanitizer $99.95

Keep your everyday items clean and germ-free with PhoneSoap Wireless. Our powerful UV-C light reaches all sides of objects placed inside for 360-degree disinfection. With our patented design and selective materials, you can quickly and easily sanitize anything that fits inside – pacifiers, smart watches, headphones, jewelry, wallets, keys—you name it. Plus, the PhoneSoap Wireless was built to accommodate all smartphones including larger models like the iPhone 8+ and the Galaxy S10.

Solo Stove Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit

Solo Stove Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit $109.99

Get ready to enjoy the warmth and ambience of a fire pit anywhere you go. Introducing the Solo Stove Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit, perfectly designed for backyard and urban settings. This compact and portable fire pit is inspired by our popular Solo Stove fire pits and comes with a stand for safe burning as well as a nylon carry bag for portability. Enjoy your fire pit experience with warmth, ambience, and ultimate convenience with the Mesa Tabletop Fire Pit!

Bartesian Premium Cocktail and Margarita Machine $337.00

Make the perfect cocktail with ease using the Bartesian Premium Cocktail and Margarita Machine. With push-button simplicity, you can create endless craft cocktails in the comfort of home—no need to measure or pour. Just insert a cocktail capsule into your Bartesian drink mixer machine, select your preferred strength and press mix. The system draws the spirit from the appropriate reservoir and mixes your cocktail in seconds. Enjoy all the benefits of a fully-equipped bar without having to stock various juices, bitters,simple syrups and other ingredients.

My Arcade Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Micro Player

My Arcade Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Micro Player $46.60

Celebrate 40 years of PAC-MAN with the My Arcade Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Micro Player! This 6.75 inch collectible is a gold plated, full color miniature replica of one of the most famous arcade cabinets of all time. Enjoy the original classic gameplay with lenticular labels that animate the iconic cabinet graphics, glowing coin trap and more. Powered by USB or 4 AA batteries (not included), this limited edition item is a must-have for any fan of classic arcade games!

Tabletop Fireplace $62.10

Get cozy with the Rectangle Tabletop Bio Ethanol Fireplace. This small personal fireplace is perfect for adding warmth and ambience to your desk, a side table in your living room, or as a centerpiece for your main dining table. It features tempered glass panels for safety and is light and easy to transport so you can move it anywhere. Get the perfect combination of style, convenience, and warmth with this Tabletop Fireplace!

Bluetooth Beanie Hat Headphones

Bluetooth Beanie Hat Headphones $29.99

Enjoy the perfect combination of style and technology with the Bluetooth Beanie Hat Headphones. This innovative beanie hat lets you stay warm, listen to music and take phone calls handsfree. Featuring a longer working time, louder speaker, upgraded chip and thicker knitting materials, this is the ultimate tech gift for men, teenage girls/boys and anyone who loves staying warm while listening to their favourite tunes. Packed in a premium gift box

Intoval Wireless Charger

Intoval Wireless Charger, 3 in 1 Charger $39.99

Charge all your devices with ease with the Intoval Wireless Charger, 3 in 1. This all-in-one solution is just what you need for home and office use. With intelligent charging current control, it protects your device battery under fast charging, while the exclusive multi-functional intelligent protect technology provides temperature control, surge protection, short-circuit prevention, and more. Place it horizontally to enjoy videos while charging or vertically for video conferencing or facial recognition. Enjoy ultra safe and convenient charging.

AeroGarden Harvest with Gourmet Herb Seed Pod Kit

AeroGarden Harvest with Gourmet Herb Seed Pod Kit $89.95

Grow fresh herbs right in your own home with the AeroGarden Harvest! This all-in-one indoor herb garden kit comes with Genovese Basil, Curly Parsley, Dill, Thyme, Thai Basil and Mint Seeds and a bottle of our patented, all natural Plant Nutrients – enough for a full season of growth. With its simple control panel and 20 watt LED high efficiency grow lighting system, you don’t need to worry about soil or mess. Enjoy fresh herbs year round

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